man sitting on couch working on computer

Coping With Depression When You Are Searching for a Job

There’s no denying that we’re living in uncertain times when it comes to the economy. The COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on the workforce of the country, and while things are slowly getting back to normal, not everything has bounced back. 

Many companies have been sluggish to get started again, creating layoffs or forcing them to completely close. 

As a result, you might find yourself suddenly unemployed for the first time in years. That can lead to severe depression, and you might have a hard time feeling anything but hopeless and helpless. 

Thankfully, there are things you can do to cope with unemployment depression and keep moving forward. Let’s cover a few helpful tips you can put into practice immediately. 

Practice Self-Care

Depression is a mental health condition, but it can also impact your physical health. Many people who deal with depression have a hard time finding the motivation to do things they enjoy. You might even struggle to get out of bed in the morning. 

One of the best things you can do is to prioritize self-care. Establish a daily routine. Make sure you’re getting a healthy amount of sleep. Eat nutritious meals. Exercise. Whatever you can do to make yourself feel better and focus on your well-being, make sure it’s a part of your day. 

Self-care looks different for everyone, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that it isn’t selfish. Just because you’re not employed doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to care for yourself. 

Battle Negative Self-Talk

Not having a job can take a toll on your self-esteem and confidence. Depression can make those issues even worse. You might start to believe the negative self-talk your depression is whispering in your ear each day. 

It’s important to fight back against those negative thoughts. Not only will it help with your depression symptoms, but it can give you the motivation you need to start job hunting or putting yourself out there again. 

Do what you can to replace negative thoughts about yourself with positive ones. Consider writing in a journal about how you feel and how you can shift your perspective. Try positive affirmations in the mirror each morning. There are plenty of ways to push negative self-talk out of your life. 

Lean on Your Support System

It’s not uncommon for people with depression to isolate themselves. You might be tempted to withdraw from family members and friends. Unfortunately, that’s one of the worst things you can do. 

The people in your life care about you and want to see you succeed. Maintaining strong social connections will help you fight your symptoms of depression while combatting loneliness and boosting your motivation. 

Your loved ones can provide comfort, encouragement, and so much more as you navigate this chapter. They want to be there when you’re going through difficult times, and it’s important to let them. You never know who might even be able to help you get your foot in the door at a new place of employment. 

Seek Out Professional Help

Don’t let the stigma of depression keep you from getting the help you need and deserve. While many people are out of work right now, it doesn’t make your sadness or hopelessness any less important. People handle these situations differently, and you don’t have to cope on your own. 

If you’re really struggling with unemployment depression, consider making a therapy appointment. Together, we’ll get to the root cause of your negative feelings, and work to create a plan that can both boost your mood and get you on the right track to finding a job again. Depression is often very manageable, but it’s not something that’s easy to tackle on your own. Let’s work together. 

Reach out to learn more about depression therapy and how it can help you during any chapter of your life.

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor at Ammirati Counseling
Terri A. Ammirati, LCPC, has 25+ years of clinical experience. She is a Certified Gottman Therapist and presents Gottman's "The Art and Science of Love" couples workshop.

Terri specializes in empowering clients to strengthen their relationships. She works with all aspects of relational distress and provides solution-focused therapy.
Terri A. Ammirati