Justin Noe

Licensed Professional Counselor


“I am a licensed professional counselor based in Deerfield, Illinois. My specialty is helping individuals experiencing anxiety, depression and trauma.”

Meeting Clients Where They Are On Their Journey Of Healing

My journey to becoming a therapist is an example of how life sometimes has a funny way of working out. Believe it or not, I originally enlisted in the Navy to become a Nuclear Systems Operator. Thankfully for me, that initial choice did not work out. After pivoting into mental health training, I soon realized that I had a natural inclination to help others who were dealing with issues such as anxiety, depression, and trauma.

Looking back, a level of synchronicity took place that allowed me to find the vocation I was called to do. After my time in the Navy, I completed my three degrees and fully committed to becoming a therapist based in Deerfield, IL. Becoming a therapist has given me perspective on what I value most—working in a profession where I can make a positive difference in people’s lives.

How My Naval Background Informs My Practice

Not only did my Navel experience expose me to a vast array of issues and concerns related to military service, but I also worked with people from a variety of cultures and backgrounds. As someone who had previously lived a sheltered life in the South, my time in the Navy helped shift my perspective and open my eyes to many different life experiences.

My counseling philosophy as a therapist is informed by what I’ve experienced in life. I believe we each have the capacity to make the best of things even when life doesn’t work out how we thought, or circumstances are less than ideal. I try to carry this into my work with individuals who may be feeling anxious or depressed after suffering trauma or struggling to find meaning in it all.

What’s more, I have attended therapy as a client myself in the past and believe this experience is invaluable to understanding and empathizing with those I serve. Sitting on the other side of the table has provided me with invaluable insight into the therapeutic relationship. None of us are exempt from wanting and needing help from time to time. As a therapist, I get to offer the kind of support to my clients that I wish I had had during difficult periods of my past.

Through Fostering Of The Therapeutic Relationship, I Help Individuals Untangle The Challenges They Face

Working with others, I’ve noticed a theme—clients often compare what they’re going through to others, concluding that because their problems are nowhere near as extreme, they shouldn’t be struggling so much. But the truth is we all have issues to face that require help. Learning how to manage and accept our life circumstances is something we can all benefit from.

In addition to working with clients who experienced military combat trauma, sexual trauma, and operational stress, my Naval background included helping people overcome anxiety, anger issues, and the existential concerns surrounding depression and grief. Now that I am in private practice, working with people from all walks of life has felt like a natural progression in my career and skills.

While emphasizing the importance of the therapeutic relationship is not unique, it is a primary component of what I bring to my practice. Combining my life experience with an open and honest therapeutic relationship founded on trust creates a unique blend of form and function in therapy. I value my ability to recognize what my clients are most concerned about and respond appropriately to that concern.

Most of all, I aim to meet you where you are. Perhaps you’re dealing with an issue that requires solution-focused treatment, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Or maybe your current challenges are rooted in past trauma and could benefit from psychodynamic processing. In other instances, you may be experiencing an existential crisis, in which case treatment will revolve around meaning-making and self-actualization. No matter what the problem is, I aim to be flexible and receptive to your needs.

The words we use are important. I like to make sure that I actively listen to my clients and understand their experiences. I often spend a lot of time analyzing the self-talk clients use and ask why a particular word may continue to come up and what it might say about how they perceive themselves. And just because I haven’t experienced what you have gone through doesn’t mean that I can’t understand and empathize with you in a deep, connected way.

A Little More About Me

I have an appreciation for literature, popular media, and music. I love to spend quality time with my wife and family, as well as our two cats. I am simple in my needs and enjoy alone time to recharge.

Justin Noe is a Licensed Professional Counselor based in Deerfield, Illinois. After receiving Bachelor’s degrees of Science in Psychology and Philosophy from Northern Illinois University, Justin went on to receive a Master’s Degree of Arts in Counseling from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Thereafter he became a Licensed Professional Counselor in 2023. He gained experience while working as a Behavioral Health Technician in the U.S. Navy and as a supervised counselor at the Samaritan Counseling Center of the Northwest Suburbs. Justin has been in private practice since 2020.

Justin Noe would love to have the opportunity to work with you. Don’t wait, send him an email at justin@ammiraticounseling.com
And in your email include:
1. Telephone number
2. Preferred day/time you’d like to be called
3. Subject Line: “I am interested in discussing your services”
Justin will contact you within 48 hours
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